“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”

Benjamin Franklin

Monday, March 21, 2011

Introduction and Body Paragraph for an Essay

To create an essay, the most important thing is, you need to make an introduction which is called as an  INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH.

Here is an example of introductory paragraph, so you can have a clear view on how to build an introduction ;

Title : Ways to prevent procrastination among college students.

People nowadays become easily stressed. Work overload, terrible time management and procrastination are some of the reasons on why people become stressed out. Some people likes to leave their works unattended and unfinished until at the last moment when he or she needs to submit the works. This is called procrastination. According to Edward Young, Procrastination is a thief of time and it also contributes to a lot of negative effects such as low quality of works and weak time management. It is also one of the most frequent habits repeatedly done among college students. To have a healthy life, college students need to avoid this terrible habit and there are several ways to prevent it. 

  • In the introductory paragraph, the general to specific technique need to be apply in the paragraph so that the reader can get a brief idea on the topic or title before proceed to the content of the essay.
  • you can state the general knowledge of the topic, current issues and the definition on the term that stated in the topic.
  • Then, in the last line of the paragraph which is called the thesis statement, you need to state the MAIN IDEAS whether it is stated or implied. Based on the above introductory paragraph, i have stated the implied main idea.
For the BODY PARAGRAPH, you need to state back the main idea with the elaboration and explanation by adding supporting details such as definition, examples, issues or experiences.

Here is an example of the first body paragraph that states the first main idea:

The first way to prevent procrastination is by scheduling or making time tables. Scheduling helps you avoid one of the great time wasters, procrastination, because it gives you a specific time to do each task. It gets you started on the work and helps you avoid putting off doing things that you dislike. Other than that, having a schedule also saves time. It takes time to devise a schedule, but that time is repaid many times over. Your schedule is a guide, telling you what to do next and assuring you that everything will get done. Besides, scheduling keeps you up to date and helps you avoid last-minute cramming. By keeping up to date and studying things as you come to them, you will learn much more efficiently. Thus, by scheduling or making time table helps a lot to overcome procrastination.
 *The bold sentences are the supporting details

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